• Touch screen panel: 7” wide, colored, super fast
  • CPU assures a much better software management, a better seam quality, easier adjustments and patterns, more precision, more customizable and more fashion options
  • Updates through USB or internet (remote control)
  • Offline mode: possibility to work without the touch screen panel in case of breakdown
  • Auto-diagnostic system: it helps to avoid errors
  • Software available in 8 different languages
  • New design of the stand: easy adjustment in height
  • Scraps and dust cleaning system
  • Double compensatory presser foot: extra pressure and less flexure, besides lower barycenter
  • Counter-weight device: allows to counterbalance the presser foot thrust and keep it always the right position, granting a less X&Y carriage wear
  • Loop aligner system: to avoid the loop mispositioning on the fabric, especially for the folded tails (Q loop / 3D loop)
  • Quick revolving type replacement of all devices: 4 preset positions, sewing head, loop pulling device, cutting system, loops loader

S4650 is Vi.Be.Mac. S-line automatic belt loop setter. Thanks to unique Vi.Be.Mac. technology this unit can grant an always perfect loop alligment, perfect and silent cut, V shape cut of the loop and easy electronical and mechanical adjustments.
The belt loop setter S4650 is able to respond promptly to the fashion market needs, being able to work on classic, semi-classic, inserted, double loop and a fully customizable bartack.


Double compensatory presser foot

Extra pressure also on multiple layers of fabric, less flexure, besides a lower barycenter

Loop alignment system

To avoid the loop mispositioning on the fabric, especially for the folded tails (Q loop / 3D loop)

Revolving replacement of devices

4 preset positions: sewing head, loop pulling device, cutting system, loop loader; downtime greatly reduced


  • Touch screen panel: 7” wide, colored, super fast
  • CPU assures a much better software management, a better seam quality, easier adjustments and patterns, more precision, more customizable and more fashion options
  • Updates through USB or internet (remote control)
  • Offline mode: possibility to work without the touch screen panel in case of breakdown
  • Auto-diagnostic system: it helps to avoid errors
  • Software available in 8 different languages
  • New design of the stand: easy adjustment in height
  • Scraps and dust cleaning system
  • Double compensatory presser foot: extra pressure and less flexure, besides lower barycenter
  • Counter-weight device: allows to counterbalance the presser foot thrust and keep it always the right position, granting a less X&Y carriage wear
  • Loop aligner system: to avoid the loop mispositioning on the fabric, especially for the folded tails (Q loop / 3D loop)
  • Quick revolving type replacement of all devices: 4 preset positions, sewing head, loop pulling device, cutting system, loops loader
Sewing head


Max sewing unit speed

2800 rpm

No. of stitches

1 to 999

Needle distance

25 to 80 mm

Loop width

8 to 30 mm

Finished loop

32 to 85 mm

Sewing aea

15 x 28 mm

Machine motor

XCG 554 20Y – 550W

Power requirement

220 V 50/60 Hz

Control box

XCG MFY 2005

Operating air pressure

4.5 bar

Air consumption

6 L/min

The accessories described here may not be included in the price of the machine. Please refer to the commercial documents for information on prices and conditions.



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